My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5 -Read.Love.Repeat- Stars!
Here the confession...I didnt read any Alessandra Torre book before. I used to think myself as a bookworm but I'm not sure after I join in GR. This site shows me how less I've read.
I want to say sorry to all the great authors I havent read yet. Forgive me, I'll make it up to you. Promise!

There is a lot of great reviews about this book so I wont make this one long. It will be about just what I'm thinking.
I love this book so much. It was fun, sweet, hot and surprising. I loved all the characters so much.
Maddison is in the relationship with two men. She loves them both, she cares them both. Some might think she is a bit*h but ofcourse not. I really love her so much. She is so sweet, caring, sexy, fun...easily lovable.
Paul...He is so easy and carefree. His relationship with Maddison is like air. You know, the kind of love that gives you goosebumps and tingling sensation.
Stewart...He is difficult, intense. He is opposite of Paul. His love...intense. Maddison and Steawrt's relationship reminds me fire. When they are near each other it is like fire. Their love burns you, takes everything gives everything kind of love.

Maddison has two different lives with two different men. She is determined to seperate two lives which makes a lot sense.
Sex.Love.Repeat is beautiful book till the epilogue. But after the epilgue this book becomes great. I wasn't expecting that information in the epilogue. I was so okay with the story till that time. But after I'd read epilogue I was like "Well, wow. I wasn't expecting this"
This book is 5 stars but not 5+ stars for me. Why?
Because I cannot erase the sad feeling about Stewart. I know it might be weird but I really didnt want them to be apart. Because they have that chemistry that burning sensation and I feel like that perfection is wasted. I think I loved Stewart so much my heart is aching for him. No matter he seems like he found his happiness[ Because I cannot erase the sad feeling about Stewart. I know it might be weird but I really didnt want them to be apart. Because they have that chemistry that burning sensation and I feel like that perfection is wasted. I think I loved Stewart so much my heart is aching for him. No matter he seems like he found his happiness </spoiler>
It's pretty low possibility but if you didnt read this book, read it. I'm sure you'll enjoy. Because this book is hard to not love.
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