My rating: 5 of 5 stars
--- After "Nightmare" Reviews #1 ---
4,5 -Two kinds of crazy storms- Stars
Well, I dont know if I still remember how to review a book. It feels like forever.

Slut is the second book of Gabriella and Paxton. In the last part of Suit Gabriella was arrested.
Slut takes it the story from that point and now Gabriella is all alone with lots of secrets. She doesnt have any answers but she has tons of questions.
I am at peace. I am at peace.
I love Twin Duo a lot. To be honest, I dont know why. The reason may be my twin obsession (lol) or it maybe Paxton's asshole persona or the love of their imperfect family.
In Suit I had a theory and I wished it was like that just to complicate things more. But in this book I still enjoyed the way of the story turned out.
I didnt like Lane from the first moment I met him in Suit. In this book I didnt like him to act like a saint and act like he was better than Paxton.
Paxton...I know a lot of people dont like Paxton and I have no idea why I loved him so much from the first second. I mean, he is a jerk, an asshole, manipulative but...I dont know. There is something about him that make me love him. He still needs a good kick in the ass, though. But I cannot be immune his sexy bastard persona and his soft sides I saw in this book pretty clear.
Gabriella...I didnt like her old self but I can understand why she became like this. I wish she could stood up for herself but I didnt like the fact that she was taking help from Lane.
She fell in love with her husband. She is easily manipulated by him. She loves him even while she was hating him. Just like a stupid little fish.

While I was reading Slut I always asked myself the same question: If I were Gabby would I watch/listen the records? I mean she knew there was something big, something that may change everything so after she found some kind of happiness with her new life was it necessary to listen them? My answer was changing with every record. First I was saying "Yes, I would totally try to learn all the secrets" and the next I was refusing the idea.
There is always three sides; mine, yours and the truth.
I really felt bad for Gabby that she couldnt remember her past but as Paxton said the situation was also bad for him. He know some things he did and he didnt want Gabby to learn them but also he was learning some secrets about Gabby and couldnt have any answers for his questions. It was just fucked-up.

No matter how much they become dysfunctional, I loved the relationship between Pax and Gabby. Especially the change in Paxton in this second book. They were hot as always and I could read more of their hot scenes(lol) In nutshell, I loved Pierce family.
Beside from Pierce's, Mi was my favorite person in this book. She was just crazy and so cute. I was so glad she is added to this series. Her effect was like a "magic" to the story.

The only problem about Slut for me, I felt like it was rushed at the end. I mean, I was more than willing to read more of the story. I have still some questions but they didnt bother me. I liked to answer some little questions by myself even if they are not true. But I am so glad there will be more Gabby and Paxton (hopefully more Paxton) in December. I cannot wait to read more of them.
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