My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5+ I am such a mess Stars!

Since I am not feeling ready to write a review about this book which left me such an emotional mess, I will start with the very beginning of my journey about The Opportunist.
One day, Ebru aka Abby was looking for a new book...Something new, something different. Then, Ebru saw a book named The Opportunist. At first she didnt pay much attention but when she saw the name of the series "Love me with Lies" Abby made up her mind. She was intrigued. So she's got the ebook version of the book and put it aside till the right day comes. But when she saw there was audiobook version of the book she couldnt resist the temptation any longer. She decided to just give it a shot and to listen one chapter.
It was 2 am and everything started with that chapter. When she couldnt deny the comfortable arms of the sleep anymore it was 7.30 am in the morning. She fell asleep but Ebru was different. Because she was under the sway of the most consuming, overwhelming and real book: The Opportunist.
-End of the bed-time story-
“I fell in love underneath a tree.”
The Opportunist is one of the best book I have ever read this year, maybe ever. It is hard to describe. But I can easily say one thing: This book is real. This book is not heart and flowers...This book is not rainbows and unicorns...This book is REAL.

Olivia Kaspen...She is so different from the other heroins. She is not the good girl. She makes herself hard to love. She is insecure but tough. She is sweet but bitter. She is troubled but the trouble herself. She loves but does hateful things. She is strong but vulnerable. She is the most right and the most wrong girl for Caleb.
She fights dirty because she's hurt too much but also she hurts people too much. She makes wrong and hard decisions. She may be the most intense character I have ever read. Her story suffocates me by heart.
The Opportunist is suffocating, addicting, consuming, overwhelming, depressing, beautiful, real and a story that stays with you forever.
“I think that after the first time you give your heart away, you never get it back. The rest of your life is just you pretending that you still have a heart.”
When Olivia and Caleb are together...They are so good and bad at the same time. So perfect and imperfect...
Their story says that sometimes love may not be enough. Sometimes...It is better to let go, no matter how hard it is.
“You can only give your heart away once, after that, everything else will chase your first love”
I love everything about this book even though it overwhelmed me time to time. I listened just one book, The Opportunist, but it was like a few books already. Not in a bad way. When the book ended, I wanted more but I still had some confusion whether it was just the first book I have read. Because it makes you feel like you lived/suffered enough for a lifetime. That is how this book consumes and overwhelmes you.
Reading/Listening this book was painful pleasure and I loved every seconds of it.
PS: This book should come with a warning or an antidepressant. Because it will make your heart shred to million pieces and then will give it back to you bleeding. If you are ready for it, dont waste one more second to read it. Go for it!
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